Freelance writer - the one-man army!

My eyes started watering by the time I completed my job search today - its an entirely different story that I couldnt find one single project that gives me all - decent pay, and a remote job. If both are available, then its wants an unimaginable number of words at an incredibly short time! Like I said, its an entirely different story!
After the painful task, when I finally settled to pen my blog of the day, I could have only on thought in my mind - isn't a freelance writer the one-man (or woman!) army?
Not convinced? OK...let's analyze what does a freelance writer in a day goes through.
Morning ( the administrator) - Typically, every freelance writer starts his/her day by checking his mails...I know, I know, how your day suddenly looks exciting if you have responses in your mailbox! But irrespective of the content, the mailbox is the link to your market. There you start off the day with a to-do list - a typical secretary job who marks the calendar, tidies up the to-do list for the big-boss (Cheers! - you are the boss!)
Afternoon (CEO and the office-boy) - For most us, our work day starts right after mails are cleared (if there are any!). A freelance writer would spend his day at his desk on the same laptop submitting work like the average employee, negotiating deals like the super-salesman and then signing off projects like the CEO! In between those important typed words, he runs around for stationery, laptop charger and the ocassional (and relaxing!) coffee...playing the role of office boy! Now, thats what I would called multi-tasking!
Evening (Public relations Office) - I let the evenings be used for what they are made - social engineering! When the sun starts setting and normal people go out socialising, I socialize at a very different social interactions! It is time to don the advertising cap and show off at as many places as possible (and whoever cares to read my scribbles!) . There I go all dressed and ready as the public relations officer and by the time, I am tired and out and ready to type the last words of my day in my blog...I wonder what a hard day I had!
Wow! Have you ever thought of this? Every freelance writer should congratulate himself/herself for putting themselves through this every day and yet never giving up. Thats the spirit that we all need to keep up...
And whoever said working from home is fun - they have never been a freelance writer! :)